What should i do if there is a storm nearby while camping?

A vehicle, if nearby, could also be used as a safe place. There is no shortage of data that tells us things like: “The probability of being struck by lightning is 1 in a million. When lightning and thunder are too close to each other, it means the storm is dangerously close. If you have the option, you should go to a safe haven.

Most injuries caused by lightning are not direct impacts. Rather, what affects most people are bumps to the ground. The ground can conduct electricity more than 10 meters from where lightning struck. Some people were injured more than 30 meters from the place where the lightning struck.

If possible, use a camping stool, sleeping bag, tarp, or sleeping pad to place as many layers as possible between the body and the ground. Don't touch your tent poles, especially if they are made of aluminum or other metal, as this means that they will be excellent conductors of lightning. Staying inside a tent during a thunderstorm is not recommended. Lightning will strike the highest point.

Avoid camping near trees, high ground, or open areas, taking refuge in a building or vehicle from a facility. Close car windows and avoid contact with handles, shift levers, or any other metal object. Assuming you prepare your tent for rain (see this post), the chance of something bad happening while camping during a thunderstorm is very, very low. As you read this list, remember that these tips don't cover everything you can do to ensure your safety while camping during a lightning storm.

If you think you might end up camping during a lightning storm, it's worth thinking carefully about where and how you'll place your camp. While this is more likely to happen in some parts of the country than others, camping during a thunderstorm or other adverse weather conditions is something that every serious outdoor enthusiast should prepare for. The worst places to experience a thunderstorm if you are going camping in a tent during a thunderstorm are landscapes that leave you exposed to the elements or areas where you or your tent are the tallest objects in the immediate area. If you go far enough into rural areas, you'll end up camping in the event of an electrical storm or similar serious weather event.

Run for shelter if you hear thunder, but if the storm is close, put yourself in a lightning position. This is something we'll cover in more detail later, but if you get stuck in your tent during a lightning storm because you don't have the option of shelter, then staying safe depends more on what you shouldn't do than on what you should do. Therefore, it is recommended that if you are caught in a thunderstorm, you do not lie down, as this increases the risk of injury or death if your entire body comes into contact with the ground. If you keep these three things in mind, you'll be prepared to face the risks that come with camping during an electrical storm.

It is recommended to unplug any electrical element, remove the EHU and place it in a vehicle for safety reasons during an electrical storm. We simply can't think about indoor safety, since hikers, campers, and others who participate in outdoor recreational activities are among the group of people with the highest number of deaths and injuries related to thunderstorms. One thing to keep in mind during the summer monsoon season in the west is the constant storms that occur around 1 or 2 in the afternoon, although it's not uncommon for them to arrive earlier. We know this sounds a bit counterintuitive, but your tent doesn't protect you during a lightning storm, as we've said time and time again.

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